EXC Events

EXC summer party 2024

The time has come! We proudly present the EXC Summer Festival 2024 in Bardowick - an event that will liven up the summer months with unforgettable music and unique activities. The EXC Summer Festival not only promises a unique experience, but will also be a highlight of the summer!

Mark July 26, 2024 thick in your calendar, because we are meeting in Bardowick at the EXC Summer Festival. We look forward to celebrating together with 2500 party guests and having an unforgettable time.

What's special about the EXC Summer Festival?
We do exactly what we feel like doing! We think about what we would like most at an open air event and bring in our own personal mix!

What can you expect?
The music will be the heartbeat of the day, and that's why we've come up with a varied line-up! From 2000s to EDM, everything will be represented.
In addition to the musical spectacle, there will be activities that offer a great experience alongside the music!

Of course, one thing must not be forgotten! Food and drinks! Our bars will be stocked with cool drinks so that nobody has to go thirsty! And your stomach won't stay empty either!

Who decides these things?
Of course we want your input and ideas, because the EXC Summer Party will be an event for all of us!

But EXC has never seen this before!

We are organizing a battle between the bosses and the team! Whichever team has sold more tickets by the day of the Open Air wins and gets to assign a punishment to the losing team, which must be fulfilled at the EXC Summer Festival! The individual teams can then present various activities and special features of the Open Air in the coming weeks and months! You decide who should win!

How can you vote? Simply cast your vote when you buy your ticket!
Who are you for? Team Chefs or Team Team?

We will take you on this journey with us and keep you up to date on our website and social media!


Let the games begin.

We look forward to seeing you!

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